Saturday 26 December 2015

قصة بالعربى (الذاكرة ممتلئة)

 الذاكرة ممتلئة

الرسالة تقول ان الذاكرة ممتلئة - ..لم يعد ممكنا ان يستوعب هذا الشىء الصغير المحشور فى احدى فتحات اللاب توب اى شىء اخر -
 نعم الذاكرة ممتلئة    توقف مخة العملاق.. يجب التخلص من بعض الملفات... يجب محوها ...يجب تحرير الذاكرة... هكذا قالت الرسالة   ...
 قمت الى الحمام لم اشعر الا الحين اننى مثقل بهموم لاتستوعبها ذاكرتى... ست ساعات من العمل المتواصل ... كلمات, ترجمات, ملفات, تحضير دروس رسائل ,شير, تعليق ,شجب ,شكر -
 سأشرب الشاى الذى أعددتة منذ ساعة .نعم نسيت أنى أعددتة أصلا! -
رن الهاتف تبينت صوتة من بين عدة اصوات فى سيمفونية مجنونة من الضجيج يصر بائع الغاز وهو يدق على حديد احدى الاسطوانت الفارغة ان يبيع مابقى معة - الغاز الطبيعى دخل البيوت !!!
- رن الموبايل ثانية ! .. من . ؟ لمن هذا الرقم ؟غريبة لنفس الرقم اتصال منذ ساعة كيف لم اسمعة من هو
 - من يكون ؟  لاأعرف !!االسلام عليكم من .... لا لاتقل هذا هه والله ؟ جد !!....... كان اخى .هذا رقم اخر له .
لا لم اسجلة عندى - كنا ذاهبون لزيارة ..... الرجل مريض .." هل اتفقنا على ذلك!! -اى نعم!!
 "بالامس التقيتك على باب البيت كنت ذاهب و انا راجع ".
" قالت زوجتى ان معلمة البنت تشتكى منها لقد نسيت جدول الضرب "  ..." الولد تشاجر فى المدرسة "
-هل اعددت لنا شيئا نأكلة عندى عمل بعد سويعات !!
قالت ".... اتصل بامى فقد كانت عند الطبيب اليوم " سلامتها ....نعم سافعل
تؤلمنى قدمى اعرف انها الاملاح .نعم  .. نعم انا ايضا وقفت ساعات, صعدت ونزلت عدة مرات ....
 هل يمكن ان احظى بقيلولة...؟ صاح الاولاد.... تشاجروا .. صرخت فيهم الام   أبوكم ناااااايم...!
      جرت بالعصا خلف من بدا الشجار اسرعت الصغيرة الشقية لتختبىء خلفى. ارتج السرير ....فزع النوم ....
لم يجد له مكان .
   جاءوا جميعهم يشتكون الى.. حان ميعاد العمل .
ارتديت اول قميص قابلنى, وضعت قدمى فى الحذاء المنتظر على باب الشقة
 .الزحام شديد....يبدو ان كل الناس قد تركت بيوتها وخرجت الى الطرقات ... مرت خمس دقائق, عشرة ,عشرون وجدت مكانا.... راح السائق يشق طريقة فى بحر متلاطم الامواج... غير المسار,, سار فى ازقة, اجتاز حشود من زحام, تظاهرة, واندك عند كل مطب, وارتج عند كل حفرة, صعد على ماتبقى من رصيف وخاض فى مياة ,.وزعق بالنفير فى كل كبير وصغير , لم اغادر ظللت فى مكانى شىء ما قيدنى ,مر مكان نزولى وانا ارمقة بلا مبالاة , حين وصل الى طريق البحر هناك فى هذا المكان حيث من المعتاد ان يسرع الجميع هناك حيث لاسكن والفراغ النادر ,والسكون الحصرى هذه المساحة الغير ماهولة من ذاكرة الاماكن هذه البقعة الهاربة من سطوة الزحام - سانزل هنا رمقنى الجميع شى مافى داخلى تكلم الذاكرة ممتلئة يجب محو بعض الملفات الجالس بجوارى ازال سماعات الاذن وهو ينظر الى بدهشة" نازل يااستاذ ؟!
جيجا بايت " اقصد "ايوة نعم " .
زكريا الاسكندرية اكتوبر 2014

Migratory birds

 Migratory  birds  
 Have you ever asked yourself how  migratory  birds prepare for such long  flights when it can take some of us days just to prepare one suitcase for a weekend trip?
     Before departure, migratory birds become gluttons. They overeat and store body fat. They eat almost without restraint. A bird that is about to migrate alters its diet so drastically that it eats about 30% more than normal in calories, with a special appetite for fatty foods. This change in diet makes the bird’s digestion and metabolism more efficient, increasing the bird’s fat stores by almost half its body weight. The human equivalent would be a 150lb person gaining 75lbs by the end of a month. Can you imagine such a transformation? It is almost too incredible! Still harder to believe is the fact that in the time it takes the bird to migrate, which is one or two weeks, the bird will lose almost all the fat they gained.
      But why is so much fat important to a bird about to migrate? One might think that such an increase in weight might negatively impact a bird’s flight ability, like an airplane that has taken on too much luggage. The difference is that the birds have overloaded themselves with what is practically pure energy and water—resources that are imperative for the thousands of miles of flight between winter homes and breeding grounds that some species undertake.  Our migratory birds will have become little balls of fat and water before they leave their wintering sites.
             Since the exertion of flying produces so much heat, birds can become dehydrated on long flights, the way your levels of thirst will differ between running around your neighborhood block and completing a half-marathon. Normally birds do their migratory flying at night, because one of the simplest ways to control dehydrationالجفاف is by flying in currents of cold air, which are easily found at great heights, or when the sun is down. Another reason for flying at night is to use the stars as guides and avoid predatorsالمفترسين. I find that the former motive provides a more beautiful image: birds still follow the stars the way our greatest navigators circled the globe centuries ago—think Marco Polo or Ferdinand Magellan. But these explorers also used compasses to get around . It is likely that some birds have something similar to an internal compass that allows them to detect surrounding magnetic fields and use them as pointers on migratory flights.
 Of course, it seems like it’d still be easier to fly by day.   Sure Magellan and Polo enjoyed having the information the sun can provide ,so  some migratory birds
prefer to fly by day. These birds tend to use the position of the sun (many birds might be able to see polarized light, making this easier even on cloudy days), cuesالعظة from surrounding terrainالتضاريس , the magnetic fields, and, though you may be skeptical المتشككينagain, smells and sounds. There is reason to believe that homing pigeons can hear infrasoundتحت الصوتية , allowing them to detect extremely low frequency sounds the way elephants do, and some scientists think birds can differentiate large-scale odor رائحةchanges over long distances (say, thousands of miles). I should point out that this latter claim is a bit controversialمثير للجدل —although some scientists have a little evidence supporting the hypothesisالفرضية , many have yet to concurيتفق. So as you can see, there are still many questions about bird migration.


Tuesday 22 December 2015

from (AR-Raheeq Al-Makhtum (THE SEALED NECTAR) Memoirs of the Noble Prophet Author: Saifur Rahman al-Mubarakpuri - Jamia Salafia - India- Translated by : Issam Diab

Muhammad’s Birth and Forty Years prior to Prophethood
His Birth:
Muhammad , the Master of Prophets, was born in Bani Hashim lane in Makkah on Monday morning, the ninth of Rabi‘ Al-Awwal, the same year of the Elephant Event, and forty years of the reign of Kisra (Khosru Nushirwan), i.e. the twentieth or twenty-second of April, 571 A.D., according to the scholar Muhammad Sulaimân Al-Mansourpuri, and the astrologer Mahmûd Pasha.[]
Ibn Sa‘d reported that Muhammad’s mother said: "When he was born, there was a light that issued out of my pudendum and lit the palaces of Syria." Ahmad reported on the authority of ‘Arbadh bin Sariya something similar to this.[]

It was but controversially reported that significant precursors accompanied his birth: fourteen galleries of Kisra’s palace cracked and rolled down, the Magians’ sacred fire died down and some churches on Lake Sawa sank down and collapsed.[]
His mother immediately sent someone to inform his grandfather ‘Abdul-Muttalib of the happy event. Happily he came to her, carried him to Al-Ka‘bah, prayed to Allâh and thanked Him. ‘Abdul-Muttalib called the baby Muhammad, a name not then common among the Arabs. He circumcised him on his seventh day as was the custom of the Arabs.[]

The first woman who suckled him after his mother was Thuyebah, the concubine of Abu Lahab, with her son, Masrouh. She had suckled Hamzah bin ‘Abdul-Muttalib before and later Abu Salamah bin ‘Abd Al-Asad Al-Makhzumi.[]

V+.. = اسم فاعل

1. beg  يشحذ
2. visit يزور
3. lead يقود
leader               قائد
4. invent  يخترع
inventor        مخترع
5. read     يقرأ
reader قارىء        
6. run  يركض
runner         راكض
7. win  يفوز
winner فائز       
8. sail  يبحر
sailor بحار         
9. travel  يسافر
traveller  مسافر    
10. begin  يبدأ
beginner مبتديء    
11. act  يمثل
actor ممثل           
12. rescue  ينقذ
rescuer منقذ            
er -or -ar قاعدة عامة فى اللغة الانجايزية ( ولها شواذ ) بان نضيف          
 للفعل ليصبح اسم فاعل