Saturday 8 November 2014

Reading and Motivation

One of the best is to get your students into pairs ,providing this sheet which was really well- prepared . A subject that is really related and so close to their interests . I used to do this from time to time in my classes . They really enjoy it and me too .  ( and the following is what experts say )
One of the key factors to the success (or not) of an extensive reading programme is motivation. Capturing student interest is the key. If the materials available are interesting to the students, then they will be far more likely to want to read them. These books should also be at a level appropriate to their reading ability. As mentioned earlier, the texts should not be too difficult so students experience the frustration of not being able to understand the books.

Getting the extensive reading programme off to a good start is also vital. The aim is for an initial successful experience so that students discover they can read in English and that they enjoy it. This positive experience should stimulate them to read more, increasing motivation, enjoyment and a desire to read.

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